Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I've been thinking for awhile that I should share some of my favorite things that Aubrie says. Aubrie, being 3 1/2 is a fountain of hilarious word blunders. So, here are a few favs:

Pap: no we're not talking the smear kind, this is Aubrie's combination of pat and burp, in context, "Mommy, let me pap baby Ewisabif."

Wong: Ahhh, the "l" that sounds like a "w", not the wrong without the "r". Today, she says, "Mommy, my banana is wong!"

Wittle Wamb: Mary has a wittle wamb, wittle wamb, wittle wamb . . . (Betcha didn't know that!)

Today & Tomorrow: Aubs hasn't quite got the concept of today and tomorrow so every day she asks, "Mommy is it tomorrow?" And I respond, "No baby, it is today." And she looks at me all confused. :) (BTW, I am not exaggerating, this is a DAILY question in our house right now.)

That's all for tonight folks!
Until next time, Dear Readers . . .


southernbookworm November 19, 2009 at 6:21 AM  

We have that same problem still! C knows how many days until something, but doesn't seem to get that "today" and "tomorrow" are relative terms, not absolutes.

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